Movie screenings tailored to young children

The perfect first cinema experience!

The Zuiderpershuis in Antwerp even has a specially equipped toddler cinema!

  • snuggly cushions and adjusted sound and lighting
  • relaxed atmosphere: no need to sit still!
  • pram parking near the movie room
  • access to the mini-medialab, a digital playground tailored to toddlers and preschoolers
  • several screenings a day, before and after naptime
  • free access for babies up to 1,5 years old

Discover the offer for toddlers

Dive into our film & workshop offerings for toddlers. You can recognize screenings in the toddler cinema in the Zuiderpershuis by the purple label 'toddler cinema' in the program overview.

The experience is really adapted to little ones. The lights were half dimmed (toilet visits), they are allowed to make noise, walk around,... which as a parent also gives you peace of mind and they are wonderful films!

peutercinema antwerpen
Tone Verswijvel

Workshops for preschoolers

At the Youth Film Festival, we have workshops on offer for preschoolers from 4 years old.

Please note! As a parent, you will not stay at the workshop. Your kindergartener is in good hands with our trained workshop instructors. You will enjoy a drink in the festival café or a walk in the city in the meantime. After some workshops, you will be able to discover what your child did or made during a short presentation.

workshop sotryscope
Daria Miasoedova