Filmhuis Klappei

Klappeistraat 2
2060 Antwerpen

Food & drinks
Wheelchair accessibility
Filmhuis Klappei - festivallocatie
May Vanhille

This hidden gem in Antwerp's Seefhoek has been run for years by a team of passionate volunteers. You can find cinephiles, family screenings, socio-cultural activities, concerts and, for some reason, home-baked cake, lots of home-baked cake.


  • Film: €8 / €2 (vt-status)

Nearby child-friendly restaurants & bars

Wheelchair users

This venue is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us to improve your visit.



  • The nearest velostations are Duinstraat (102), ZNA Stuivenberg (114) & (229) & Pastorijstraat (038).

Public transport

Several tram and bus lines stop nearby Filmhuis Klappei.

  • Tram 2, 3, 5 & 6 stop Antwerp Elisabeth Metro or stop Antwerp Premetro station Handel
  • Bus 30 bus stop Antwerpen Handelsteeg
  • Bus 23 bus stop Antwerp Sint-Williborduskerk
  • Various trams & buses at the Antwerpen Roosevelt stop, a 15-minute walk from Filmhuis Klappei

Plan your trip via the De Lijn's online tool.


  • Filmhuis Klappei does not have its own parking. There are pay car parks nearby.

For up-to-date information on the road works, go to Slim naar Antwerpen. Also note whether your car is allowed to enter the Antwerp LEZ zone.

+32 472 17 10 89 (tijdens de kantooruren)