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Je kan deze film combineren met een bezoek aan het geweldige XL-Medialab, onze digitale speeltuin vol virtual reality en games. Duid deze activiteit aan in je reservatie-aanvraag.
A wonderful crowdpleaser about falling in love, staying true to yourself and dancing, dancing, dancing!
Mina wants to be one of the cool kids at school so badly. And she definitely wants to impress the popular hip-hop dancer E.D. Win. With the help of her quirky grandmother, Mina challenges herself to enter a dance competition. From rehearsals to audition and smashing final number, Mina learns to love herself.
Kiyan Agadjani - 15min. - 2023
JEF makes it easy to find or offer quality youth films and games. To broaden the horizons of children and young people. To encourage experimentation and creation.