Crazy friends

Jules & Juliette zotte vrienden still 1
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€6 / €1,20 (UiTPAS kansentarief)
12/02 14:30
In Budascoop, Kortrijk

Seven short and imaginative films about amazing friendships. To come and watch with your friends or tell them all about it afterwards.

The best friends are the silliest friends! And you will certainly find them in this collection of short films. For example, there is a bat that loves sunlight and befriends a mouse. Or how about two socks that lose each other after rolling around in the washing machine?

This movie consists of

Jules & Juliette Chantal Peten, België, 00:07, 2022
On a beautiful summer day, Jules and Juliette carry their dinghy to the beach. A delightful time for two friends!
Upside down Dace Rīdūze, Litouwen, 00:11, 2023
A little bat wakes up at the wrong time to find that, unlike its peers, it likes sunlight and warmth.
Lemon & Berry Ile­nia Cotardo, Piotr Fic­n­er, Polen, 00:04, 2022
Two little hummingbirds solve their problems by working together and testing different inventions.
Coin coin Anouk Archambault, Amélie Frit, Lucile Grunder, Solenn Lelaisant, Jeanne Marotte, Frankrijk, 00:05, 2023
Duck and Rabbit are best friends. But then a super cool cat with a GameBoy comes and steals Rabbit's attention.
Spin cycle Gurli Bachmann, Duitsland, 00:07, 2022
A pair of socks loses sight of each other after spinning in the washing machine.
The swineherd Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith, Denemarken, 00:08, 2023
Is a pigsty the right place for a royal party?
Nina's friend Neyrouz Jemour, België, 00:05, 2023
Insecure Nina is afraid of losing her new friend Ellie.