Workshop Theaterfilmweek

2025 festival foto theaterfilmweek
Wannes Crei
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€150 / €30 (vt-statuut)
03/03 to 07/03
In hetpaleis, Antwerpen

A five-day leap into the magic of filmmaking. Show your own film to the world on the last day!

For five days, dive into the world of film. Camera angles, lighting, stop-motion, projection... Step by step, you will learn about the magic of filmmaking. With camera in hand, you collect images. You process them into audiovisual collages. This is how you build your own animation world, in which you also play a part. You show the result at the end of the week.

This workshop is in collaboration between HetPaleis and JEF.

About the creator

Alex Akute is a theatre maker and multidisciplinary artist. He enjoys working with young people to create an atmosphere where they can celebrate their unique identity. This is why he started Xray Community, where young people come together to inspire one another.

Liesbeth De Mey studied Audiovisual Arts at the RITCS and enjoys investigating stories in which ethics, society and culture intersect. Her master project In eternity played at Docville 2015 and she was on quite a few sets as assistant director, script supervisor or casting assistant. In 2020, she collaborated on I am afraid to forget your face, which won the Palm d'Or for best short film at the Cannes festival. She is currently finishing the short documentary Ronde 3 in collaboration with VAF, Ketnet and JEF.