
flow filmstill
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€8 / €2 (vt-statuut) / gratis met 10 gespaarde punten A-kaart
12/02 10:45
In Zuiderpershuis, Antwerpen

Combi-ticket film en XL-Medialab

Voor maar €10 heb je een combiticket voor het XL-Medialab in het Zuiderpershuis en deze VR-filmvertoning!

In our VR cinema, you will experience films as if you were immersed in a whole new world.

Two short immersive virtual reality films will make you forget you are actually sitting on a chair. Step into these wordless, impressive and unmissable stories.

This movie consists of

Flow Adriaan Lokman, 00:15
Auditory and visual spectacle in which we follow a woman through wind and rain. The wordless melange of lines, smells and air movements stimulates the imagination.
The first ingredient: tales from Soda Island Simone Fougnier, 00:17
On a musical island, residents look for the right balance between silence and noise. The denouement of this imaginative VR series takes place in a colorful universe.