Picnic with cake and other stories
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€5 per leerling / €2 per indicatorleerling / begeleiders gratis
In Lumière Antwerpen
This is your opportunity to see the best children's books come to life on the big screen. From ‘Vos & Haas’ to ‘De fantastische vliegwedstrijd’.
Four short films based on your favourite picture books: ‘De fantastische vliegwedstrijd’ by Tjibbe Veldkamp, ‘Wat zit er in die kist’ by Pieter Gaudesaboos, ‘Vos & haas’ by Sylvia Vanden Heede, and ‘Picknick met taart’ by Thé Tjong-King’.
This movie consists of
The fantastic flying competition
John Croezen, Nederland, 00:06, 2022
Fox & hare
Mascha Halberstad, Tom Van Gestel, België, Nederland, Luxemburg, 00:12, 2019
What's in the box?
Bram Algoed, België, 00:10, 2023
Picnic with cake
Mascha Halberstad, Tom Van Gestel, België, Nederland, 00:23, 2012
John Croezen, Mascha Halberstad, Tom Van Gestel, Bram Algoed
Year of production
2022, 2019, 2023, 2012
Nederland, België, Luxemburg
Animation, Book adaptation
2de kleuterklas to 1e leerjaar
Behaviour & emotions, Conflict & violence, Crime, Growing up, Friendship, Humor, Book adaptation, Vacation & travel, Animals, Fairy tales & fantasy, Belgium, Europe
Nederlands gesproken, zonder ondertitels