Beastly bunch

zebra still 1
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€8 / €2 (vt-statuut) / €4 (socio-culturele groepen)
12/02 11:00
In Zuiderpershuis, Antwerpen

Peutercinema: deze film & mini-medialab

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  • stilzitten hoeft niet!
  • toegang tot het mini-medialab, een digitale speeltuin op maat van peuters en kleuters

Eight short adventures full of animal fun. No words, yet plenty of jokes for the whole family.

Bear cubs entangled in a ball of yarn, a tiny caterpillar with cat friends and a hippo who wants to learn to swim. A zebra that can't get its stripes in place, a greedy tiger and a herd of mysterious smortlybacks. It's a mess of misfits.

This compilation consists of these shortfilms

zebra still 1


Julia Ocker, 2013

stil maar kleine beer still 1

Hush hush little bear

Mara Linina, 2022

gekleurde veren still 1

Coloured feathers

Maribel Suárez, 2021

katu katu still 1

Kitten Kitten

Giedre Boots, 2021

de kameleon still 1

The Chameleon

Pim Braak, 2022

de smortleys zijn terug still 1

The Smortlybacks come back!

Ted Sieger, 2022

hippo hop still1

Hippo Hop

Patxi Exequiel Aguirre, 2022

tijger still 1


Kariem Saleh, 2016

This movie consists of

Zebra Julia Ocker, Duitsland, 00:04, 2013
A zebra struggles to put its stripes in place.
Hush hush little bear Mara Linina, Letland, 00:05, 2022
Bear cubs have a good time with a ball of yarn, but soon they are all tangled up.
Coloured feathers Maribel Suárez, Mexico, 00:03, 2021
A group of chickens with white chicks stand cackling in the meadow, until suddenly a chicken with a blue chick appears.
Kitten Kitten Giedre Boots, België, 00:06, 2021
A little caterpillar takes a nap with his cat friends, until a ball of wool catches their attention.
De kameleon Pim Braak, Nederland, 00:02, 2022
A chameleon tries to relax. But every time he feels safe, he has to shift colours to deal with an approaching danger.
The Smortlybacks come back! Ted Sieger, Zwitserland, 00:08, 2022
In a barren world, little TamLin seeks greener pastures for his herd of beautiful smortlybacks.
Hippo Hop Patxi Exequiel Aguirre, Duitsland, 00:03, 2016
A young hippo seeks refreshment in the water, but swimming proves trickier than expected.
Tiger Kariem Saleh, Duitsland, 00:04, 2015
A little tiger is drawn on a dinner plate. When no one is looking, he journeys around the lunch table, looking for treats to satisfy his hunger.